
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

new year

I hope everyone had a great Christmas holiday and a happy new year. I did. I was very busy and am still recovering from all the redecorating and finding places for the new things my kids got. They got so many gifts from everyone and now we are trying to fit it all in.

As far as blogging goes, I'm jumping back on track this week, as soon as I get some time. I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and I'll be doing my weekly pregnancy update tomorrow because I'm 34 weeks now. 

Until then, check out the face of my new blog. I am probably going to change the name, but I'm excited because this will be a more personal blog where I write and share things that are important to me. This blog is important, but I see it more of an educational and dare I say, commerical, project of mine. Some people are just interested in information, not so much in getting to know me, so my new blog will be for friends and family who want to follow along more closely with my family and I.

Check it out:

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