
Thursday, July 26, 2012

my week in pictures

Instead of saving a million photos I may never print I thought I'd make a little visual post to sum up my week. That way they'll be used for something.

 We played outside a lot this week since it has been a little cooler. I taught Roslyn how to say she will be turning two next month. I love how she uses her thumb and pointer finger to show the number two. 

 My little Kiwi is six months now, and she is starting to crawl. She found the grass today and has started to push off with her little toes. All this week we've been watching her just roll around back and forth to get ANYWHERE she wants to go. She has her own little system of circumnavigating the living room floor. 

 I took a few pictures, but the funniest thing is that she was only interested in the wipes box, as usual. She is so enchanted with it and has been for at least a month now.

 To add a mix in a little art time with our nature studies we did nature collages. This was Emme's. She loved it and was so proud of her creation.

My nephew stopped by right when we were making our tin foil river. They had so much fun floating everything from leaves to small grapefruits down it. We have the perfect front yard for tin foil rivers. I just barely had enough foil and I need to find something better for a boat. I'm thinking of fashioning some from twigs and twine. 

Well, that's about it really. I've been scouring the web for birthday party ideas for Roslyn's upcoming big day and I've also been doing the usual homeschool research. I'm getting excited about that! Luciana is still away at camp til Saturday afternoon and I can't wait to hear about all her adventures. Although she will probably leave out all the details like most kids and just say, "it was fun". 

I've got a few beauty-related posts coming up this weekend. Yes, beauty! Don't be so shocked, I was bound to jump on that band wagon, I am getting older you know! :) 

Hope everyone enjoys their Friday and the weekend!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

random rebellion

I have been meaning to post more often but with the time I have to write, I feel like I don't have anything to say. Maybe that's where the whole "Wordless Wednesday" theme came from. The midweek mental fog has me doing nothing productive so far today. (Don't tell Erik, please). Don't worry, before he comes home I"ll do my own personal housecleaning version of the old Supermarket Sweep show. And besides, I do all my "deep" cleaning on Thursdays because those are Erik's fridays and who wants to start their weekend in an unkempt house? Well, the entire cast of Hoarders maybe, but not this lady.

I'm literally grooving as I type to "Party Rock" a la the Chipmunks thanks to Emme's musical tastes. I wonder if my kids will ever choose to listen to classical music like we wish they would. I guess it could be worse, at least they don't cry when I force them to listen to NPR every single car ride. "Be quiet! I'm listening to MY radio show", I say with all the adult power I always dreamed of having. I wonder what they will make their kids listen to. Lady Gaga's greatest hits? Please, no! Poor grandbabies. I can hear them protesting already. Little rebels.

Here is some random advice that you may or may not find useful one day: The day after a grocery shopping trip is probably not the best day to be completely inspired (for the 9th time) to join the Food Revolution! (Jamie Oliver, be my bff). Viva fresh and whole foods! Viva! Darn, now I have to eat most of the crap I bought. How did I get here I wonder? I never saw myself buying so many frozen and boxed foods! The weirdest part? I usually don't even eat them! It's like I hoard them or something. Great, another thing to hoard- add that to the used books that harbor an insane amount of dust and the huge bin of craft supplies I may never use. Have I even crafted anything this year? Geeze. I craft children, yeah that's what I do. Any way, I know why I buy what I buy- because these grocery stores suck! Albertson's has one little sad darkened "organic and ethnic" aisle. And yes, that's how you spell aisle, take a mental note. That sad little aisle has some slight variety but it's nothing after you've had the chance to shop at a Whole Foods store. And now my main grocery store is Walmart. Walmart!!! For you bourgeoisie it's like going from caviar to ramen. Or from fine cuban cigars to quarter cigarettes (if you're from the streets). You catch my drift. I'd rather starve most days. But what do I do instead? I look in the refrigerator, the freezer, in my cabinets and see NOTHING that I want to prepare or eat. So, I order out. Gah! So, this isn't everyday but it was yesterday. I did order a salad, but still. At least my kids eat healthy, I will have to say that is one thing I will not compromise. I just often finding myself craving something different than I have had the courage to prepare for the family. They are so picky, but that's a whole other post in itself. I guess I have to make three grocery shopping trips a week out to Trader Joe's to try and get something worth eating. For me, someone who is supposed to cook every day, often multiple times a day- I need variety, inspiration, and resources. I need to move to a more happening city. Although, a true revolutionary would hit the streets and try to affect change here where it's needed. Maybe one day. Right now I'm too lethargic from the junk I've been eating!

Monday, July 23, 2012

sweet monday

We are having a very simple day today. Emme found her way to our bed again during the night, so she was there to wake the baby up a little early. I opened my eyes and she had picked a game for the baby to play on the iPad. I couldn't help but offer some praise about how sweet of a sister she is.

We did our first day of circle time after lunch. We did a few fingerplay songs, and I told them the most wonderfully received story off the top of my head about some fairies, and they were delighted. So delighted in fact, that I have already typed it out so I never forget it.

All three girls are sleeping, and I'm sitting here thinking of my oldest baby, off to her first solo adventure at a summer camp! I can't believe my little (Big) baby is off all on her own with this group of people. I am sure she is doing fine, and enjoying herself but I miss her. I tucked in her suitcase a little pack of letters. Each one is marked with a number, like 1 for day 1, 2 for day 2, etc. The letters are funny little reminders about hygiene, manners and of course about all the fun she's having and how much she's missed. Every day there is a special part of the letter that tells her what I miss most about her. I hope she enjoys them.

Hope everyone has a good day and a great week. I'll be keeping cool inside so I don't melt in a puddle of mama. Adios!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

i'm starving

I am so hungry right now. Don't ask me why I think this is a good time to start a food post. All I know is I'm famished and it might not be an unreasonable assumption to think that I might just post anything that looks slightly edible. At this point, I may eat the baby.

Here are some great pinterest finds that I have tested myself! Yes, that means they are Rebecca approved. Booyah!

You can find all these and more by following me on Pinterest or just doing a little searching yourself!

Pinned Image 
Baked Ziti - This is definitely a family favorite. It tastes like Pizza!

Cilantro Lime Shrimp
Cilantro Lime Shrimp - Or Skrimps as we call em here! Dee-lish.

bbq comfort meatballs
BBQ Comfort Meatballs - One of my little meatballs (I call her Luci) had been requesting meatballs for quite sometime so I made these for her and they came out so moist and delicious. How can anything with the word 'Comfort' in it be bad for you?

Okay, I had a few more to post but my stomach is eating itself. Time to go taste that Gouda I've been hiding in the back of the refrigerator.

Monday, July 9, 2012

in full swing

Received my influenster summer beauty vox box! related posts coming soon :)